"God is So Good"
“God Is So Good”
Genesis 33:1-11
1) Everything we worry about God already has the answer to.
Genesis 33:1
2) We look at Jacob and think he should have known better and then we look at ourselves and understand.
Genesis 33:2
3) Jacob should have gathered everyone and stood together in one group trusting God to take care of them.
Genesis 33:3
James 4:6
4) Showing them who the boss is usually doesn’t end well.
Genesis 33:4
5) There is nothing sadder to see than a person who lives a life full of bitterness and hate.
Genesis 33:5
Genesis 33:6-7
Genesis 33:8-9
6) The BKC pointed out that all in total, Jacob was giving Esau 550 animals. That is a lot of livestock.
Psalm 50:9-11
Genesis 33:10
7) Jacob now knew God in a better way than he ever expected.
Genesis 33:11